For the Love of Mini Australian Shepherds
We our fascinated with our toy dogs and their demeanor. They are the same in all respects as the full size but in a smaller package. Most definitely the ultimate lap dog but can be energized running phenomenons. The height is what defines them from the minis. Range is 12-14". Fit car consoles and great traveling companions.
Toy Australian Shepherd
Red Merle 2 blue eyes
Height 13", Weight 16 pounds
DOB: 10/11/2016
OFA Hips/Elbows -Too Young
MDR1 - Normal/Normal
Pra/Prcd - Normal/Normal
DM - Normal/Clear
Toy Australian Shepherd, Red Merle, 2 blue eyes
Height 14", Weight 22 pounds
DOB: 03/07/2014
OFA Hips/Elbows - Good/Normal
MDR1 - Normal/Normal
Pra/Prcd - Normal/Normal
H/C - Normal/Clear
DM - Normal/Clear
Registered with ASDR
meet and greetpup and hasn't met someone she didn't like. Not afraid of anything but happiest sitting on our laps for lots of snuggle bunny time. She is a sibling to Fancee.
Toy Australian Shepherd
Black Tri with 2 blue eyes
Height: 14" high
Weight: 25 pounds
DOB: 02/03/14
OFA Hips - Prelims Good
MDR1 - Normal/M
Pra/Prcd - N/Normal clear by parentage
OFA ECR (CERF) Cleared
annually in November
H/C - Normal/Clear
DM - Normal/Clear
Registered with ASDR
Toy Australian Shepherd,
Blue Merle, 2 blue eyes
Height 12 Weight 11 pounds
DOB: 8/27/2016
OFA Hips/Elbows Pending
MDR1 - Normal/Normal
Pra/Prcd - Normal/Normal clear by parentage
H/C - Normal/Clear clear by parentage
DM - Normal/Clear
Registered with ASDR
Toy Australian Shepherd,
Red Tri with 2 amber eyes
Height: 14" high
Weight: 18 pounds
DOB: 06/06/2017
OFA Hips - Pending age
MDR1 - Normal/Normal
Pra/Prcd - N/Normal clear by parentage
OFA ECR (CERF) Cleared
annually in November
H/C - Normal/Clear
DM - Normal/Clear
Registered with ASDR
Toy Australian Shepherd,
Red Tri with 2 blue eyes
Height: 13" high
Weight: 12 pounds
DOB: 11/18/2017
OFA Hips - Prelims Good
MDR1 - Normal/M
Pra/Prcd - N/Normal clear by parentage
OFA ECR (CERF) Cleared
annually in November
H/C - Normal/Clear
DM - Normal/Clear
Registered with ASDR
Toy Australian Shepherd,
Blue merle with two blue eyes
Height: 13.5" high
Weight: 18 pounds
DOB: 10/09/2017
OFA Hips/Elbows Pending
MDR1 - N/C
Pra/Prcd - Normal/Normal clear by parentage
H/C - Normal/Clear clear by parentage
DM - Normal/Clear by parentage
Registered with ASDR